
Stories of Ponies

"Hi, my new pony!"

This book has three stories.
All is the story of horse.
But, they have very different character.

First, the name of horse is Magic.
Magic and Molly who is owner of Magic raced competition.
She overcomed some accidents and Magic do, too.
It's real Magic.

Second, the horse's name is Rascal.
He is the naughtiest pony.
His owner is Becky.She had never seen the mess pony.
But, he got her out of trouble.
I think he is good pony.

Finally, the horse is Sugger.
Little pony and Sally, the little girl who is owner of Suger, are good friends.
She think her size is disadvantage of having horse.
However, her size was useful for helping Suger.
I think she can change disadvantage into a strong point.

By all means, please do try and read this book.

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